The common strains of weed and their effects
There are weed strains that are more common than the others. Some of it has different effects. The hybrids that blend the effects of both Sativa and Indica strains that have a high quality is called designer strains.
The new types of weed are called to have interesting names that are based on their origin and effects. Here are some common strains of weed and their effects. You can also visit shops like Venice Beach Cannabis Dispensary.
Blue Dream
It is a hybrid strain of weed that has Sativa-dominant. This gives an energetic cerebral high that increases heightened focus and motivation. Other people describe it as pain-relieving and relaxing effects. The name comes from the unknown which makes it like a dream. It has a sweet taste that can be described as sugar and blueberries.
Those people who have chronic fatigue, lack of appetite, and depression. They use blue dreams as therapeutic effects that can improve these kinds of symptoms. It is also described as relieving chronic pain and migraines.
Sour Diesel
It is a type of hybrid strain that has an energizing effect on Sativa and it has the physical relaxation properties of Indica.
This is called a gasoline-like chemical smell that the flower makes. The yellowish-green medium leaves have a skunky or sour taste that other people find uncomfortable.
This tends to be used by people who have depression or anxiety and mild-stress. This has been believed to remove pains and body aches. Others use it to increase their appetite for those who are experiencing a loss of appetite. The high from sour diesel can lead to paranoia which is because of its high THC content.
Purple Kush
It is a pure Indica strain and the effect has a full and relaxing body high. It has a high THC composition. The name comes from its color, the purple leaves. And the strains originating from the Kush region near Afghanistan. This is the most popular strain that is used.
Due to its ability to induce physical relaxation, it is used by people who have depression or anxiety and chronic pain. And also used by people who want to lessen temporary pain.
The major types of weed and their effects
It originates from warmer climates such as South Africa. It grows very tall with long, thin leaves. This will bloom its flower depending on the light conditions. It requires total darkness for more than 11 hours a day. The Sativa strain has energizing effects that allow it to focus more and be creative.
It is a cross germinating the seeds of the common strains of Cannabis to produce effects of both. It is described as a dominating effect that provides energizing effects and a head high.
It is another species that was discovered in Southern Russia. This grows shorter than the other two species of weed and has thin, fibrous stems with large leaves. This also flowers depending on the age of the plant. Ruderalis has very low levels of THC compared to other strains. It is commonly used in medical marijuana.